Other publications (since 2000)
Coralie Buxant
Buxant, C. (2009). Pourquoi se tourner vers le religieux ? Des besoins affectifs et cognitifs au désir de réalisation de soi. Revue Théologique de Louvain, 40, 41-65.
Louis-Léon Christians
Christians, L.-L. (2006). Le principe de non-discrimination religieuse en droit belge et comparé: Entre obligations du législateur et obligations des contractants. In P. Wéry & S. Stijns (Eds.), Le principe de non-discrimination en droit des obligations (pp. 143-207). Bruxelles : Kluwer.
Christians, L.-L. (2004). Critériologie psychologique des dérives sectaires: Vers une première évaluation juridique. Annales de Droit de Louvain, 64, 561-594.
Christians, L.-L. (2004). Liberté religieuse et dérives sectaires comme tests de l'Etat de droit. Annales de Droit de Louvain, 64, 647-661.
Magali Clobert
Clobert, M., Sims, T. L., Yoo, J., Miyamoto, Y., Markus, H. R., Karasawa, M., & Levine, C. S. (2019, in press). Feeling excited or taking a bath: Do distinct pathways underlie the positive affect-health link in the U.S. and Japan? Emotion. Advance online publication.
Tsai, J. L., & Clobert, M. (2019). Cultural influences on emotion: Established patterns and emerging trends. In D. Cohen & S. Kitayama (Eds.), Handbook of cultural psychology (2nd ed., pp. 292-318). New York, NY: Guilford Press.
Clobert, M., Van Cappellen, P., Bourdon, M., & Cohen, A. B. (2016). Good day for Leos: Horoscope's influence on perception, cognitive performances, and creativity. Personality and Individual Differences, 101, 348-355. PDF
James Day
Davis, E. B., Day, J. M., Lindia, P. A., & Lemke, A. W. (in press). Religious/spiritual development and positive psychology: Toward an integrative theory. In E. B. Davis, E. L. Worthington, Jr., & S. A. Schnitker (Eds.), Handbook of positive psychology, religion, and spirituality. Springer Nature.
Day, J. M. (2017). Religion and human development in adulthood: Well-being, prosocial behavior, and religious and spiritual development. Behavioral Development Bulletin, 22, 298-313.
Day, J. M. (2017). Religion and adult development: Are there postformal stages in religious cognition? Theoretical considerations, empirical evidence, and promotion of development in adulthood. Behavioral Development Bulletin, 22, 314-321.
Day, J. M. (2017). La narrativite et le religieux à l'épreuve de la complexite cognitive et de la capacité à tenir compte de plusieurs points de vue: Recherches empiriques et observations cliniques. In Brandt, P-Y., Jesus, P., & Roman, P. (Eds.) Récit de soi et narrativité dans la construction de l'identité religieuse (pp. 201-226). Paris. Editions des Archives Contemporaines.
Featherston, K. G., Chen, S.J., Toth-Gauthier, M., Day, J. M., Herman, P., Laverdeur, R., Nicolaï, L., Nicolay, A.-C., Sini, A., Tilkin, C., Tyberghein, M., & Vanheck, C. (2016). An analysis of the Verbal Comprehension Index of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale—Fourth Edition (WAIS–IV) using the Model of Hierarchical Complexity (MHC): Why might stage be a better measure of “smarts” than verbal IQ? Behavioral Development Bulletin, 21, 50-62.
Sautelet, A., & Day, J. M. (2016). Approche cognitivo-développementale de l’éthicité professionnelle de futurs enseignants en formation initiale. Les Dossiers du GREE, 3, 298-318.
Toth-Gauthier, M., & Day, J. (2015). Cognitive complexity, religious cognition, cognitive development, and religious judgment: An empirical study of relationships amongst “normal” and “gifted” young people. Behavioral Development Bulletin, 20, 60-69.
Formoshino, M., Day, J., Jesus, P., & Reis, C. (2014). Revisiting the foundations of constructivism: The ethical and theological groundwork of Piaget's early psychopedagogical thought. Theoria et Educacion, 2, 25-41.
Brandt, P-Y., & Day, J. (Eds.). (2013). Psychologie du développement religieux: Questions classiques et perspectives contemporaines. Geneve: Labor et Fides.
Day, J. M. (2013). Constructs of meaning and religious transformation: Cognitive complexity, postformal stages, and religious thought. In H. Westerink (Ed.), Constructs of meaning and religious transformation: Current issues in the psychology of religion (pp. 59-79). Göttingen, Germany: Vienna University Press.
Day, J. M. (2013). Le modèle de complexité hiérarchique et la psychologie du developpement religieux, spirituel et moral. In P.-Y. Brandt & J. M. Day (Eds.), Psychologie du développement religieux: Questions classiques et perspectives contemporaines (pp. 107-122). Geneve: Labor et Fides.
Day, J. M., & Jesus, P. (2013). Epistemic subjects, discursive selves, and dialogical self theory in the psychology of moral and religious development: Mapping gaps and bridges. Journal of Constructivist Psychology, 26, 137-148.
Day, J. M. (2011). Religious factors in moral decision-making: Towards an integrated, socio-cultural developmental model. Estudios de Psicología, 32, 147-161.
Day, J. M. (2011). Du tiers présent au transcendent: Ombres, lumières, et objets du transitionnel. In J.-L. Brackelaire, A.-C. Frankard, C. Janssen, & S. Tortolano (Eds.), Objet transitionnel et objet-lien: Regards croisés. Louvain-la-Neuve: Academia.
Day, J. (2011). Religious, spiritual, and moral development and learning in the adult years: Classical and contemporary questions, cognitive-developmental and complementary paradigms, and prospects for future research. In C. H. Hoare (Ed.), Oxford handbook of reciprocal adult development and learning (2nd ed., pp. 318-345). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Day, J. M. (2011). Believing as if: Postconventional stages, cognitive complexity, and postformal religious constructions. In A. H. Pfaffenberger, P. W. Marko, & A. Combs, (Eds.), The postconventional personality: Assessing, researching, and theorizing higher development (pp. 189-203). New York: State University of New York Press.
Day, J. M. (2010). Religion, spirituality, and positive psychology in adulthood: A developmental view. Journal of Adult Development, 17, 215-229.
Day, J. M. (2010). Conscience: does religion matter? Empirical studies of religious elements in pro-social behaviour, prejudice, empathy development, and moral decision-making. In W. Koops, D. Brugman, T. J. Ferguson, & A. F. Sanders (Eds.), The development and structure of conscience (pp. 49-68). London: Psychology Press.
Day J. M. (2010). Culture, psychology, and religion: Critically appraising Belzen's contributions. Mental Health, Religion, and Culture, 13, 359-363.
Day, J. M. (2009). Conversion religieuse liée à la prise de décision morale: Recherche empirique en psychologie du développement auprès de jeunes chrétiens et musulmans belges et anglais. In P.-Y. Brandt & C.-A. Fournier (Eds.), La conversion religieuse: Analyses psychologiques, anthropologiques et sociologiques (pp. 151-176). Genève: Labor et Fides.
Day, J. (2008) Marital spirituality through the life course: insights from psychology. In Knieps-Port le Roi, T. & Sandor, M. (Ed.), Companion to marital spirituality. Leuven. Peeters Press. 85-104.
Day, J. (2008). Human development and the Model of Hierarchical Complexity: Learning from research in the psychology of moral and religious development. World Futures: The Journal of General Evolution, 64, 452-467.
Day, J. (2008). Theoretical and empirical perspectives in the psychology of religious development: Some implications for understanding Jesus and the Gospels. In F. Watts & E. Gulliford (Eds), Jesus and psychology: Approaching the Gospels psychologically. London: Dartman & Todd.
Day, J. (2007). Moral reasoning, religious reasoning, and their supposed relationship: Paradigms, problems, and prospects: A brief empirical overview. Adult Developments: The Bulletin of the Society for Reseach in Adult Development, 11, 6-10.
Mosher, R., Youngman, D., & Day, J. (Eds). (2006). Human development across the lifespan: Educational and psychological applications (2nd ed.). Westport: Praeger Publishing.
Day, J. & Youngman, D. (2003). Discursive practices and their interpretation in the psychology of religious development : From constructivist canons to constructionist alternatives. In J. Demmick & C. Andreoletti (Ed.), The Handbook of Adult Development (pp. 509-532). New York: Plenum
Day, J. (2001). From structuralism to eternity?: Re-imagining the psychology of religious development after the cognitive-developmental paradigm. International Journal for the Psychology of Religion, 11, 173-183.
Day, J. (2001). Le discours religieux en contexte: deux etudes aupres d'adolescents et de jeunes adultes en Belgique francophone. In V. Saroglou & D. Hutsebaut (Eds.), Religion et developpement humain: Questions psychologiques (pp. 57-69). Paris: L'Harmattan.
Day, J. (2000a). The social construction of morality: Archives of contemporary psychology: Voices in social constructionism. Los Angeles: Master's Work Video Productions.
Day, J. (2000b). Incertitude, identite et questions morales dans le developpement des adolescents. In G. Bajoit, F. Digneffe, J-M. Jaspard, Q. Nollet de Brauwere (Eds.), Jeunesse et societe: La socialisation des jeunes dans un monde en mutation. Brussels: De Boeck
Hannick, S., Passone, S. & Day, J. (2000). La communication facilitee pour les autistes: a prendre ou a laisser? Une etude exploratoire. Neuropsychiatrie de l'enfant et de l'adolescent 48, 269-75.
François Mathjisen
Mathjisen, F. (2009). Empirical research and paranormal beliefs: Going beyond the epistemological debate in favour of the individual. Archive for the Psychology of Religion, 31, 319-333. PDF
Mathjisen, F. (2010). Young people and paranormal experiences: Why are they scared? A cognitive pattern. Archive for the Psychology of Religion, 32, 345-361. PDF
Mathjisen, F. (2012). Adolescents and spiritualism: Is this a good way to cope with fear? A qualitative approach. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 15, 485-494.
Mathijsen, F. P. (2016). Anomalous experiences and schizotypy: which comes first? The Hermit Crab syndrome hypothesis. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 19, 113-123.
Filip Uzarevic
Uzarevic, F., Ljubotina, D., & Knezovic, Z. (2016). God representations: An exploratory study on a Croatian adolescent sample. Research in Social Scientific Study of Religion, 27, 24-42. PDF
Patty Van Cappellen
Van Cappellen, P. & Rimé, B. (2013). Positive emotions and self-transcendence. In V. Saroglou (Ed.), Religion, personality, and social behavior. New York, NY: Psychology Press.
Van Cappellen, P. (2012). La fierté dans les Psaumes, ou le paradoxe de la glorification de soi en Dieu. Revue Théologique de Louvain, 43, 341-362.
Van Cappellen, P. (2011). Un rituel collectif: Analyse de 1 Ch 15-16 selon le modèle de E. Durkheim. Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament, 25, 289-302.
Van Cappellen, P. (2010). Positive emotions and their impact on spirituality and basic beliefs. Emotion Researcher, 26, 5-7.
Jolanda Van der Noll
Van der Noll, J. (2014). Religious toleration of Muslims in the German public sphere. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 38, 60-74. PDF