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Violence religieuse, attaques terroristes, radicalisation, person-nalité, différences culturelles
Cerveau & Psycho, La Libre, La DH, 7sur7, UCL Presse, Ligueur, L'Avenir, JdMédecin, Dimanche

Buddhist tolerance
Buddhist low religious and ethnic prejudice; East-West differences
Huffington Post, Pacific Standard, Medical Daily, UCL Press, Le Soir, L'Avenir, ZMEScience, FNRS news

Humor styles; humor in marriage and divorce; sick humor; religion vs. humor conflict
Gehrin & Geist (DE), Mente e Cérebro (BR), New York Post, Le Soir 1, 2, RH Tribune, RTBF

Religious homophobia
Agressivité anti-gay, opposition à l'homoparentalité et motivations
UCL Press, Huffington (CA), Le Cercle Psy, Psychologies, L'Avenir, Dimanche, La Vie, Crol (HR), RTBF

Reading horoscope
Positive or negative horoscope and effects on creativity and performance
Pacific Standard, Daily Science, Proexpansion (ES), UCL News, L'Avenir, 7sur7, RTBF, Bxl TV

Adolescence et foi Lecture Jeune
Nourriture et religion Le Figaro
Interviews: Radio Svizzera Italiana,
Österreichischer Rundfunk, Radio Montréal,Twizz, Cathobel, Tertio, The Dissenter, France Inter

Atheistic dogmatism
Atheistic dogmatism & prejudice t. ideological opponents
The Independent, Politico, Daily Caller, Blaze, Keknet, Vart Land (NO), Rzeczpospolita (PL), Tribuna del Pais Vaco (ES), Aciprensa (PE)

Personality and (ir)religion
Personality and religious forms; atheism, agnostics​ism
Sci Amer Mind, Cerveau & Psycho, APS Observer, Le Monde de l'intellligence, Psychol. Today, Pantheos, Radio-Canada, LN24

Awe, positive emotions
Effects on spirituality, morality, well-being, social conformity
APS Observer, Huffington Post, The Atlantic, Cerveau & Psycho, La Libre 1 2, UCL News, Lives (CH), Greater Good Magazine

Sexuality, sexism, religion
Religious priming enhances sexism; sexual priming inhibits spirituality and morality
UCL Press, Psychology Today, PsyPost, Le Soir, Le Vif-Bodytalk, RT Suisse

Extra-ordinary beliefs
Croyances: types Cerveau Psycho
Croyances Essentiel C&P n° 20